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Data protection and privacy

This data protection statement applies to WESEN Sarl and online shop https://www.wesen-home.ch


Data protection and security issues frequently raise uncertainty and questions among users of online services. In order to allay these uncertainties with maximum transparency, we set out here our data collection practices when using our site: volume, purpose, mode of use and possible transmission. We also tell you your rights to use your data.



Personal data is information about the personal or material condition of an identified or identifiable individual, such as your name, address, phone number or date of birth. Information that does not have a direct or indirect link to you (e.g. the number of page users or popularity of a website) is not personal data. We collect and use them to optimize our site and improve its usability, for example.


The extent and purpose of collecting personal data

If you wish to order goods or services on our website, we need the following information to complete the transaction:

Call formula

First name



Date of birth

Phone number (yours or someone designated by you) for any questions related to your order

Email address for sending information about your order and confirming it

Payment type / financial services provider


You give us this personal data by registering as a visitor or by opening a personal customer account.

Our website also records by default, to ensure system security, user login data, the pages they visit, the date and duration of the visit, the types of browser and operating system used, and the site from which they arrived on ours. This data is recorded in an anonymous form, so it is impossible to link it to an identified or identifiable person.


By disclosing your data when registering as a visitor, creating a personal customer account and/or using our site without registration, you confirm that you know this statement and consent to the collection, processing and transmission of your data within the specified limits.

Using cookies

We use cookies to increase the enjoyment of your visit to our site. These cookies help us optimize the organization of the site, facilitate navigation and, in general, maximize its user-friendliness. Cookies are text files that register on the user's hard drive when they visit a website. They allow you to keep information for a period of time and identify the user's PC. If you accept our cookies, they will stay on your PC until you delete them. You can disable your data collection and recording by this service on your browser at any time.


Using Google Analytics

Our site uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service from Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ('Google'). Google Analytics uses cookies that it saves on your PC to analyze how you use our site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the site is usually transmitted to a Google server in the United States, where it is stored. Google complies with the data protection provisions of the "Swiss-U.S." agreement. Privacy Shield" and registered with the U.S. Department of Commerce for the "Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield" (more information on the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield at https://www.privacyshield.gov/Swiss-US-Privacy-Shield-FAQs). It states that it does not mix with other batches of data the IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics, but synchronize it with other Google system technologies such as DoubleClick, e.g. (see details in the user-friendly online advertising chapter below). It also states that it only transmits this data to third parties in order to comply with a legal requirement or as part of the processing of contractual data. By using our site, you declare that you accept Google's processing of your data, the type of data processing described above and the purpose mentioned. You can prevent cookies from being registered by changing your browser settings. You can also prevent Data entry and processing by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available here: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=fr To learn more about terms of use and data protection, visit here: https://www.google.ch/analytics/terms/fr.html or here: https://policies.google.com/?hl=fr&gl=fr.


Using social plug-ins

Our site uses social plug-ins from third parties such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Google. These plug-ins bear the vendor's logo and can take the form of a "like," "Google" or "Twitter" button. When you visit a site containing such a plug-in, your browser establishes a direct relationship with the vendor's computers. The content of the plug-in is then transmitted directly to your browser, which integrates it into the site. The integration of the plug-in signals to the supplier that you have visited our site. If you have an account with the provider and you are logged in, the provider can attach the visit to your profile. When you interact with a plug-in (clicking Like or leaving a comment), your browser reports it directly to the provider, which records the information. If you log out, the provider will continue, through the plug-in, to collect anonymous data, and install cookies. When you log back to the provider's website, this data can be linked to your profile. To learn more about a vendor's collection and use of your data, your rights to it, and how you can protect your privacy, please see the provider's data protection information.

Facebook Ireland Ltd. bzw. Facebook, Inc.: https://www.facebook.com/policy

Google Inc.: https://policies.google.com/privacy

Twitter Inc.: https://twitter.com/de/privacy

Instagram https://help.instagram.com/519522125107875

If you don't want providers to collect data about you through these cookies, you can select Block Third-Party Cookies in your browser settings. Your browser will no longer send cookies to the server if other providers have integrated content.


User-friendly online advertising

Our site collects and processes in an anonymous form information about your user behavior (main and secondary pages visited, products reviewed, etc.). We use this data to provide you with ads that match your interests and provide you with added value. To record your user behavior, we place a cookie on your computer, which we compare to the corresponding invisible pixel on our site. To optimize our advertising offering, we use the following tools on a permanent or temporary basis, and we collaborate with the suppliers mentioned. This information is registered under a pseudonym (an uncompised identity number), so it is impossible to identify yourself personally. You can prevent the registration of cookies by checking the opt-out option to refuse cookies on your browser. You can also set up your browser in such a way that it asks for your consent every time it wants to save a cookie. Finally, you can remove cookies stored on your PC at any time. We use the following tools and vendors to record the data to tailor our advertising to our users:


Using customer data

If you place an order on our site through an active customer account, we process the relevant specific data to enhance advertising customization, but only to organize dynamic content and create target group segments. For example, to display brand-specific special offers or advertisements that match your interests (banner, website or newsletter). In addition, we merge all customer data to create non-customized target group segments, which typically includes age group evaluation or analysis of specific purchasing behaviors. In doing so, we do not use or enrich personal data outside of your customer account at any time. Our system infrastructure protects your customer account from unauthorized access by multiple means. In addition, you can exclude your own data from these assessments at any time. To do this, contact us at info@wesen-home.ch



On our website, you have the opportunity to contact us on all kinds of topics. Depending on the purpose of your message, you will need to indicate different items on the form. Personal data such as call form, first name, name, email address and reason for your request must be provided so that we can reply to you. You can also enter your order number if your request is for a particular order.


Links to other sites

Our site integrates images and videos of third-party sites, as well as links to these sites. The latter are not affected by these provisions. We have no influence on the adoption and compliance of third-party site operators and therefore disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the information they provide.


Transmission of data to third parties

We can pass on all of the data we enter to the companies, which have the right to use that data according to the same rules as the data that applies to us. We also pass your data on to third parties if order processing requires it (for delivery, e.g.) or if these third parties are responsible for processing this data in contractual relationships with us. We may also mandate external service providers bound by instructions, including the operation of the site or sending mailings and emails. External providers only have access to personal data under the terms of use under their mandate and must sign a confidentiality agreement that legally requires them to comply. We do not pass on any data to unauthorized third parties unless we are required by law or by order.


Right of access and retraction

You have the right to object at any time to against your personal data being archived, unless there is a contractual or legal provision against it. We inform you free of charge and at the request of you about the archived data about you. You also have the right to correct, delete and block your personal data. Their removal may run up against legal requirements, especially for the data needed for accounting. The data will be deleted if none of the reasons cited require it to be archived. If you have any questions about your personal data, please contact us at info@wesen-home.ch


December 2020

All rights reserved.

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